My Sisters and Brothers, as a people of faith, on Holy Thursday we celebrated our Lord giving us the great gift of the Eucharist. On Good Friday, we walked the way of the cross with Him. At the Vigil and Easter Sunday Masses, we rejoiced in the empty tomb!
Our God’s great gifts of the Easter events are NOT given to us only during the Sacred Triduum or through the Octave of Easter or even the 50 days of the Easter Season. The gifts and blessings of Easter, our Lord’s victory over sin and death, are given to us to celebrate and rejoice in every day of our lives. The “tomb was empty,” but our Lord is ever with us.
Every time you join in the celebration of the Holy Mass, I pray you recognize him in the breaking of the bread. Know and feel His REAL PRESENCE as you receive him in the most holy Eucharist; body, blood, soul and divinity. May the truth of Easter reign in your heart, not just for a day or even 50 days, but every day of your life.
Your brother in the risen Lord,
+James P. Powers

Bishop James P. Powers