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By |2021-07-01T10:46:24-05:00July 9, 2021|Staff writer|

Corralling my daughters as Mass ended, I routinely sang the recessional’s lyrics, yet they touched a poignant place inside. In high school I often attended the 7 a.m. daily Mass with my dad, and “Faith of our Fathers” was a popular hymn among the “old-timers” crowd.

A prescription refill for coping with COVID

By |2021-02-04T19:18:05-06:00January 21, 2021|Staff writer|

There’s nothing quite like a good Chuck Norris joke. A while back, my family went through a streak of sharing one-liners and memes heralding the prowess of Norris, now 80 years old. It was unbeatable humor even for the siblings who couldn’t tell you what he did before the turn of the century.

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