Treasuring our future timelines
Twenty-nine-year old Dom Brand of South Carolina, in an apparently random act in 2020, shot and killed an 80-year-old woman named Mary Ann Elvington. His action resulted in several tragedies unfolding simultaneously.
Love, not excuses, moves things forward
The excusable doesn’t need to be excused and the inexcusable cannot be excused. Michael Buckley wrote those words commenting on Peter’s triple betrayal of Jesus.
Spirituality: Where all believers come together
Where can all of us believers come together beyond the divisions created by history, dogma, denomination and religion? Where is there a place all people of sincere heart can find common ground and worship together?
Learning to love the cry room
When I was a young, single professional living in Washington, I harbored a secret judgment against churches that had cry rooms. In my naivete, I considered parishes that built these spaces to be intolerant of young children.
Stranger, come on in
When I was a boy, there was a revolution in Hungary against the communist government. The Soviet Union put it down brutally. Several hundred thousand Hungarians fled the country, some for the United States.
The lesson of the good thief
One of the great miracles of the Gospels is that the deepest wisdom is contained within the most straightforward kind of storytelling.
Try small things this Lent
This Lent will be a little different from previous ones for me. Personal responsibilities will make it difficult to make “big plans,” such as setting aside significant times of fasting, major volunteer activities or going on retreat.
Mass as the perfect ritual
Sometimes it takes an outsider to help you to see the beauty and depth of something you have never fully appreciated. I suspect this is true for many of us, myself no exception, regarding the celebration of the Eucharist in our churches.