Comments from the Diocese of Superior’s pilgrims

Editor’s note: These are quotes from pilgrims who traveled with Bishop James P. Powers to the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis in July.

“The Congress far exceeded my expectations — it was a beautiful moment of encounter with our Eucharistic Lord and with the Body of Christ, the church, brought together from all over the country (and the world!). There were so many encounters also with individuals that I have known from many different parts of my life, and the Holy Spirit was so obviously present in all of them. If they end up organizing another one in the next decade or so, I would highly recommend anyone to go who was not able to come on pilgrimage with us this year!” Fr. Isaiah Schick

“I truly believe that we were given a glimpse of heaven – and it was stunning. I am so grateful that I was able to participate.”   Donna Licht, River Falls

“I am still in awe as I think about spending four days with 50,000-plus Catholics praying, adoring and loving Jesus in the Eucharist…together! It was wonderful to see so many young priests and sisters. The Congress offered such an incredible outpouring of truth, beauty and goodness that one cannot help but share!” Scarlet Sweeney, Rhinelander

“I was amazed at how everyone was walking around with a smile on their face and how friendly everybody was. It warmed my heart to see so many young kids there and how excited they were about God.” Mary Hartman, Chippewa Falls

“Is ‘awesome’ too overused to describe my experience at NEC? As a cradle Catholic, my mind knew the relationship between the Mass and the Eucharist, but the NEC speakers, the daily Masses, the 60,000 people’s joy shown every day, the daily adoration, etc. made this relationship be part of my heart. I wish that our Protestant brothers and sisters could see the importance of this Real Prescence as they are missing so much! Finally, all the joyful young religious sisters, priests, and seminarians, gave this 69-year-old Catholic hope and optimism that my grandchildren will have a revitalized church for years to come.”  Bob Herscher, Rice Lake

“An awe-filled moment in my life”

Eucharistic Congress was an awe-filled moment in my life. It was an incredible experience that 60,000 people came together to celebrate faith from all over the United States. For me, the pivotal moment is celebration of Eucharist, Adoration and Eucharistic procession. The Syro-Malabar Holy Qurbana in which I was born and brought up, added more flavor to my Eucharistic Congress experience.

During the homily, Cardinal Dolan shared the story of Fr. Walter Ciszek, an American Jesuit missionary. He said Fr. Ciszek was arrested as a Vatican spy during World War II and spent 23 years in the Gulag sneaking Holy Communion with an eye drop of wine or crumbs of bread. He then spent five years unable to receive it. Fr. Ciszek wrote, “I was deprived of that spiritual food and the powerful reality of Holy Communion. I literally hunger to be able to receive Him once again. I knew I desperately needed that source of strength, that bread of life it provides. It was a hunger of soul as real as the bodily hunger I constantly experienced through those years.” At the closing Mass, Cardinal Luis Tagle, Papal delegate, asked 60,000 people gathered whether they would stay with Jesus. Everyone answered, ‘Yes.’ Then he said, those who stay with Jesus will be sent by Jesus.

One point to take away was “Walk With One.” Bishop Cozcens said at the final (re)mark to the 60,000 pilgrims to walk with one. He asked to think about one person whom you would like to see in the church and pray for that individual or family. Eventually befriend them. Once friendship grows and shares faith with them and invites them to celebrate faith with them. I would like to invite you to think about one family where each one of us can pray and eventually befriend them and invite them to the faith.

Fr. Shaji Pazhukkathara