Janet and Robert Paulik, members of St. Ann’s Catholic Church, Cable, are being honored with the Diocese of Superior’s 2017 Spirit of Stewardship Award.

The award was presented Wednesday, May 3, at the diocese’s 15th annual Stewardship Day at the Turtleback Conference Center, Rice Lake.

Year-round parishioners, the Pauliks volunteer each weekend in music ministry. Jan learned to play the organ to fulfill the parish’s need for an instrumentalist; Bob cantors, and the couple formed a youth choir to encourage youth involvement.

The Pauliks are the primary leaders of St. Ann’s St. Vincent De Paul Society, and they transport donations to the community food pantry. The couple was nominated by Fr. Gerard Willger.


The Spirit of Stewardship Award was first presented in 1991 to recognize the outstanding selfless contributions and efforts of parishioners from across the Diocese of Superior and all who have promoted and modeled stewardship in their parish.

Stewardship is an expression of discipleship.  It is a way of life, a way of thanking God for all His blessings by returning a portion of the time, talent and treasure allotted to us. Stewards receive God’s gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly and share them lovingly in justice with others.
Once a year, pastors are asked to nominate an individual or couple from their parish who is a model of “Christian faith in action.” It has been expanded to include groups, committees or organizations. They typically submit an essay on the nominees recognizing the individuals or organizations for their unique and extraordinary witness to Christian stewardship as a way of life.

The winner is then chosen by an awards committee and given out at the annual Stewardship Day in May.

2017 Distinguished Nominees

This year’s Spirit of Stewardship Award winners were chosen from many who model Christian stewardship. Distinguished nominees include:

Albert Norek, St. Therese of Lisieux, Phillips

Michael Hager, St. Joseph Parish, Hayward

Forward in Faith Campaign Leadership Committee, Cathedral of Christ the King, Superior: Tom and Sandy Henning, Kent and Mary Phillips, John and Kathy Berchild, Tom Tracy, Phillip Milroy, Mark Johnson and Steve DeVinck

Stewardship Day

“Growing an Engaged Parish” was the theme of the 2017 Stewardship Day.
Keynote speaker was Leisa Anslinger, author and director of Catholic Life and Faith, a pastoral resource center supporting parish and diocesan evangelization and stewardship leaders.

The annual event is open to pastors, parish life coordinators, administrators, parish council members, stewardship directors and committee members and others involved with fostering parish stewardship.