Sixty years ago, Carmelites from Pennsylvania established a new community in Hudson. The nuns will celebrate the anniversary with the Hudson community and Bishop James P. Powers on July 16. (Submitted photo)
Sr. Lucia LaMontagne, O.Carm.
We’ve always had a great relationship with St. Patrick’s parish here in Hudson, and with its pastor, Fr. John Gerritts. But one day last year, when he commented that we were going to have a significant anniversary this year and the parish wanted to help us celebrate, I was sure he was mistaken. My mind was on 2022, and that wasn’t anything special. Then I realized that he was correct – 2023 – and it would be the 60th anniversary of our coming to Hudson from the Carmelite Monastery in Allentown, Pennsylvania, to establish a new community in the Diocese of Superior.
Bishop James P. Powers assured us that he wanted to celebrate the Mass that would mark that event, and he selected Sunday, July 16, the Solemnity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, the most important feast in the Carmelite Order.
The Mass will be at 2 p.m. at St. Patrick’s Church, with a reception to follow.
So much has changed in the years since we arrived. In fact, none of the sisters who came on that Aug.19, 1963, day are with us anymore, with Srs. Gemma, Mary and Jane having gone before us to our heavenly destination, along with Bishop George Hammes and Fr. Ray Schoone, who welcomed us then. Yet we continue to live our life of prayer for the needs and intentions of the people and clergy of the diocese, as well as for the universal church. This way of life was modeled for us by the great saints of Carmel, Teresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux, Elisabeth of the Trinity and Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein).
We invite any women interested in knowing more about this life of prayer to contact us at or 715-386-2156. We would be delighted to have them visit. See carmelofthesacredheart.com to learn more.