Holy Rosary School and parish, Medford, held a celebration Oct. 7 in honor of the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. In the 30 days leading up to the feast day, Fr. Patrick McConnell presented the parish cluster with a challenge – to pray 1,571 rosaries as a community with the intention of asking God for an increase in vocations to the priesthood, religious life and diaconate for the diocese. To celebrate the feast day, morning Mass was held with Holy Rosary students and guests; in the afternoon, a procession was led by Fr. McConnell and the sixth-graders. They visited and blessed each of the classrooms in the school, and the procession grew as each class joined in, ending with all students, teachers, and staff praying the rosary. The day concluded with an evening Mass and social for parishioners. The final tally in the rosary challenge was 2,455. (Submitted photo)