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SDCCW scholarship
The Superior Diocese Council of Catholic Women will award four $500 Scholarships for women completing their second year of post-high school education, continuing their education for career advancement or returning to the work field. To apply, contact Mary Werner at 715-748-4709 or email . Winners will be notified by phone or email and recognized at the 70th Annual SDCCW Convention June 16 at St. Joseph’s, Rice Lake. Applications must be postmarked by April 15
DOS service event
On May 2, the Diocese of Superior is hosting a Service Immersion – Corporal Works of Mercy event on burying the dead.
There will be a group formation, prayer and service experience at the St. Anthony de Padua Parish Hall and Cemetery in Tony. Participants will have an hour of learning on the Corporal Works of Mercy and then head to the cemetery to clean head stones and pray for those who have been laid to eternal rest.
More specific details will be provided to those who register for this opportunity.
Life in the Spirit Seminar
The Diocese of Superior’s Life in the Spirit Seminar, Saturday, Jan. 25, at St. Bridget, River Falls, serves as an introduction to a life lived in the power of the Holy Spirit. It is an invitation to make or renew a deep personal commitment to Jesus Christ in openness to the Holy Spirit and his gifts. The event, which includes talks, reflections, discussions and more, is from 7:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Cost is $5. For information, contact Mary Joan Sutton, 715-441-9699.
Retrouvaille retreat
Retrouvaille, a “rediscovery” weekend retreat for married couples, is designed to help couples reestablish communication and gain insight into themselves as individuals and as a couple. Central Wisconsin Retrouvaille is Feb. 14-16 at St. Anthony’s Spirituality Center, Marathon. For more information or to register, call 877-922-4673 or visit www.helpourmarriage.org.
Lent begins Feb. 26
Ash Wednesday, Feb. 26, marks the beginning of Lent and is also one of the prescribed Special Days of Prayer in the Diocese of Superior. The focus of this day is for the general needs of humankind.
World Day of the Sick
World Day of the Sick, Feb. 11, is sponsored by the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care and has been celebrated since 1992 on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. This celebration is a reminder to pray for all those who are sick and to recognize and honor those who work in healthcare and those who serve as caregivers.
Rite of Election March 1
The Rite of Election/Call to Continuing Conversion always falls on the First Sunday of Lent. It will be celebrated March 1 by Bishop James P. Powers at 3 p.m. at the Cathedral of Christ the King, Superior.
Magnify at St. Joseph, Rice Lake
“Magnify: A Season of Hope,” a teen and parent event, will take place 5-8 p.m. March 4 at St. Joseph, Rice Lake. The Lent event includes Mass, adoration, pizza, music and a talk by Jon Konz. Visit stjosephricelake.com to register.
Music Ministry Retreat upcoming
The Music Ministry Retreat and Workshop is Feb. 7-8 at Holy Family Church, Woodruff. The presenter is ValLimar Jansen, a dynamic singer, composer and leader of worship. “We’re looking forward to ValLimar’s assistance to us as the presenter for our annual event,” said Paul Birch, director of the Office of Worship. “In sharing her wonderful abilities as storyteller, composer and performer, she will help us make the connection between pastoral music and evangelization in a way that is joyful, heartfelt and rooted in our understanding of the Eucharist.”
Friday events begin at 5 p.m. and include dinner and a concert, while Saturday includes presentations and lunch. The Friday evening concert, 7-8:15 p.m., is open to the public, $10 at the door and free for ages 12 and younger. For registration, see www.catholicdos.org/pastoral-musicians.
La Crosse releases offender list
The Diocese of La Crosse published the list of clergy with substantiated allegations of child sexual abuse Jan. 18. The list of names and other information is available on the diocesan website, diolc.org, under the Protect and Heal banner. The release coincided with a pastoral letter from Bishop William Callahan, which was read at weekend Masses throughout the diocese. The list was published after a comprehensive and independent audit of all clergy files dating back to 1868 by the independent audit firm Defenbaugh & Associates, Inc. Established in 1868, the Diocese of La Crosse serves nearly 200,000 Catholics in 19 counties.
Regional events for adults
For women
“Embracing Your Call to Holiness,” a women’s retreat, is Saturday, March 7, at St. Mary’s Community Center in Altoona. Sponsored by the La Crosse Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, the featured speaker for the day is Laura Boronski, singer, songwriter, wife and mother of eight. Check-in and registration will take place from 8-9:30 a.m., with optional confessions, rosary and Mass starting at 7:30 a.m. The first presentation will be at 10 a.m., followed by lunch and an afternoon presentation. Learn more at www.ldccw.org.
The Women of Faith Conference is Saturday, March 28, at Marshall School in Duluth. The 2020 theme is “Worthy” and keynote speaker is radio host Deby Schlapprizzi.
For men
Duluth’s 2020 Men of Faith Conference is Saturday, Feb. 29, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Marshall School in Duluth. The presenter is the “Dynamic Deacon,” Harold Burke-Sivers. The daylong conference will consist of four talks on the theme of “Men on Fire.” There will also be confessions and Mass. For details and registration information, visit www.dioceseofduluth.org. The cost is $30 before Feb. 17, $15 for college and high school students.
The 2020 Archdiocesan Men’s Conference is March 28 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at St. Thomas Academy in Mendota Heights with keynote speaker Fr. Paul Scalia. More information at www.archspm.org/
Phelps parish to host reflection
Rescheduled due to inclement weather, the morning reflection titled “You Are Not Alone, And Never Were” was moved from Saturday, Jan. 18, to Saturday, Feb. 1. The retreat will be held at St. Mary’s Parish in Phelps from 9 a.m. to noon and will include prayer, music and discussion.
The interactive morning will explore God’s presence in one’s life within the ups and downs, good times and challenges, and will provide an opportunity to complete an autobiographical sketch of a personal sacred journey with the Lord.
Event leaders will be Joseph Abel, Ph.D., and Sharon Abel, Ph.D., parishioners at Nativity of Our Lord Parish in Rhinelander. The couple had been involved with ministry and faith formation for more than 40 years before recently retiring to Rhinelander.
For more information or to register, contact Michele Rein at 715-547-3558.
March for Life pilgrimage in progress
A group from the Diocese of Superior left Tuesday, Jan. 21, for Washington, D.C., to participate in the annual March for Life. The high school students, their families and chaperones will return Sunday, Jan. 26, and will visit several sites during the pilgrimage. The March is Friday, Jan. 24. More details and photos will be published in an upcoming issue.