Linda Post, manager of the ICAA-Taylor County Food Pantry, smiles with two other pantry volunteers after receiving a check for $2,000, $600 in gift cards and more than 550 pounds of food, all donations collected by the Medford-area Knights of Columbus as part of their Lenten 40 Cans for 40 Days drive. (Submitted photo)
Medford’s Knights of Columbus Council #1744 held a successful 40 Cans for 40 Days food drive during Lent. Through the generosity of donors, the Knights raised $4,525 and collected 563 pounds of food. Given the difficulties faced by families this year, the KCs were particularly grateful for the donations.
From the monetary gifts, $2,000 was donated to the ICAA-Taylor County Food Pantry, as well as $600 worth of Walmart SCRIP gift cards.
In addition, $500 of Walmart SCRIP gift cards was given to the Meals in a Backpack program for students to take home food on the weekends.
Lastly, $725 was donated in the form of County Market gift cards to the Abiding Care Center, which will help young mothers buy baby food, formula and diapers.