Knight of Columbus Bob Ornberg (front, from left) presents Women’s Care Center Director Jennifer Woodall with a check for $16,664 to be used for a new ultrasound machine. Also pictured are (back, from left) Mike Peplinski, KC District Deputy representing the Msgr. O’Shea KC Council 15761, Duluth, and Fr. Gerard Willger, pastor of St. Joseph Church, Hayward. (Submitted photo)
On April 12, Bob Ornberg, on behalf of the Knights of Columbus Council 6587 at St. Joseph Church, Hayward, presented a check for $16,664 to Jennifer Woodall, director of the Women’s Care Center, Duluth.
The funds will be used toward the purchase of a new 3D/4D high tech ultrasound machine for WCC, which replaces an outdated 10-year-old unit. The 3D technology creates a three-dimensional color image of the baby, while the 4D ultrasound creates a live-video effect, like a movie, and a mother can see her baby’s fingers and toes, smiles and yawns.
The donated funds were the result of a fundraising effort by Council 6587.
According to Woodall, the center opened four years ago and is extremely busy. So far, they’ve documented 107 babies’ lives saved through their counseling coupled with the availability of the ultrasound unit.
Since WCC opened, the abortion facility across the street reports the number of abortions performed has dropped from 508 in 2012 to the last reported number of 398 in 2015.
Holy Mass is offered at WCC every fourth Tuesday of the month.
The KC Supreme Council will be paying half the cost of the machine through their Ultrasound Initiative program, which aids centers throughout the U.S., Canada, Guatemala, Jamaica and Peru, and Council 15761 will provide the remaining funds for the purchase.
The KC Supreme Council has helped place more than 750 machines, costing $36 million, in pregnancy centers through the Ultrasound Initiative.
Learn more about the WCC at 218-623-7100 or online, womenscarecenter.org/duluth.