Nativity of Our Lord Parish in Rhinelander hosted the Joyful Song Ecumenical Music Fest on Oct. 15 to raise funds for three Northwoods nonprofit organizations. Members of six local churches as well as community musical groups participated. From left, are planning committee members Mother Meredyth Albright, rector of St. Augustine Episcopal Church, and Amy Kriesel of First United Methodist Church; organization representatives Kyle Parish, Boys & Girls Clubs of the Northwoods board president; Timberly Martin, assistant director of Tri-County Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault/Lily’s House; Mick Fiocchi, Northern Lakes Wisconsin National Alliance on Mental Illness board president; and co-chairs Mary Grieco and Mary Dahl. Not pictured is co-chair Mary Bloch. Freewill donations from the program and chili supper totaled $3,000, which was divided equally among the organizations. This is the second year that Nativity Parish has hosted this ecumenical gathering. (Submitted photo)