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Pilgrimage to shrine
Our Lady of Sorrows, Ladysmith, is hosting a daylong pilgrimage to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help, Champion, on May 2. Fr. Inna Reddy Pothireddy is leading the tour of the only Church-approved Marian apparition site in the country. The bus will leave the OLS church parking lot at 7 a.m. and return at 9 p.m. The day includes a history of the site, Mass with Fr. Inna and a tour of the shrine. The cost is $40; lunch may be brought along or purchased. For more information or to register, call 715-532-3051. The registration deadline is April 17.
Chrism Mass
Bishop James P. Powers will celebrate the annual diocesan Chrism Mass at noon Tuesday, March 20, at the Cathedral of Christ the King, Superior. During the Mass, he will bless the Oil of Catechumens and the Oil of the Sick and consecrate the Chrism. All are welcome.
Youth rally in Merrill
A diocesan youth rally is set for Wednesday, March 21, at St. Francis Xavier, Merrill. The 6 to 9 p.m. event features keynote speaker Fr. Zach Weber, a priest ordained in 2017 for the Diocese of Green Bay. Guitarist and singer Luke Spehar, who is on tour promoting his second album, will perform. The cost is $10 in advance or $15 at the door. For details, contact Chris Hurtubise at or 715-234-5044.
NFP sessions
Northland Family Programs is offering a free introductory session at St. Mary’s Hospital, Superior, on the FertilityCare System, a natural and effective family planning method. Upcoming dates include March 26 and April 23. Pre-registration is required. To pre-register, call 218-786-2378 or 800-842-0279.
Lay ministry retreat
The Lay Ministry Enrichment Retreat is from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, April 28, at St. Joseph’s Parish Hall, Hayward. Theost is $25, with lunch and other refreshments provided. Fr. Gerard Willger will discuss how the laity are charged with being Salt, Light and Leaven for the World. The retreat meets all the diocesan requirements for catechists and catechetical leaders. Contact Chris Newkirk, 715-394-0204, or .
Built Upon a Rock Fest
The second annual Built Upon a Rock Fest is Sept. 15 in Duluth. The free Catholic concert is held on the grounds of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary and will feature musicians Ike Ndolo and Luke Spehar.
After the 5 p.m. Mass in the Cathedral, attendees can head across the street for free food and free live music, all against the backdrop of Lake Superior. There will be opportunities for Eucharistic adoration and confession as well.
More than 900 people from across the Diocese of Duluth and surrounding areas attended last year. Parishes interested in organizing transportation to the concert can learn more at builtuponarockfest.com.