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Online peace concert
In honor of St. Francis, the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity are featuring an online concert of musicians inspiring reflections on peace. The concert will be online at fscc-calledtobe.org through October.
Musicians include Franciscan Friar of the Renewal Fr. Tansi Obisi, CFR, Arwen Lewis, Jean Ritchie and friends, and Rick Busby. Fr. Tansi’s “Nani Chineke” is a blend of spiritual and traditional Nigerian songs. Austin-based singer-songwriter Rick Busby’s “Pray” received a Song of the Year nomination from the Texas Music Academy. Singer Arwen Lewis performs “It’s A Beautiful Day Today,” and Jean Ritchie’s “Peace Round” is part of a tribute anthology.
Park Falls parish to host speaker
Rich Curran, founder of Parish Success Group, will present “Moving Northwoods Catholic Communities from Maintenance to Mission” after the 9:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, Nov. 5, at St. Anthony, Park Falls.
The first talk begins at 10:45 a.m. Topics include, Why are we stuck? Where have the people gone? A discussion of demographics and modern data. Part 2, from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m., includes five steps to growing a church and engaging parishioners. There will be daycare for children third grade and younger and a youth program with Ben Rippe for children in fourth through eighth grade.
Online pornography webinar
A free faith-based webinar on pornography’s effects on children will be online at noon Nov. 7 and at 8 p.m. Nov. 16. “Parents, Kids and Pornography: The Attack on a Generation” focuses on the use of pornography by kids in faith communities and offers practical steps parents and religious leaders can take to protect them.
Bishop James P. Powers encourages parish leaders and staff to share the information with parishioners.
A recent survey of Catholic high school students indicated 70 percent are looking at porn several times a week, he said. The webinar lasts one hour. Register at bit.ly/pornographys-impact-on-youth.
Local artist joins pro-life ministry
Chris Rogers, a Rice Lake native and graphic designer who was featured in the Superior Catholic Herald in April, is now working for a pro-life group. “On June 13, I started a new job as a graphic artist near the Twin Cities for Human Life Alliance, which is a pro-life organization that primarily makes magazines that promote the dignity of human life from conception to natural death,” he said. “It’s been quite the journey here, but God knows what he’s doing.” Rogers has a series of “Drawn to the Saints” videos posted on Youtube; each features Rogers drawing one saint while giving a brief bio of his or her life. At the time of his interview, Rogers was between jobs after having spent a decade working in Rhinelander and eight years as a religious education teacher at Nativity of Our Lord, Rhinelander. His work can be viewed at www.credochris.com.
Diocesan Fall Conference set for Oct. 27
The 2017 Diocesan Fall Conference, an annual gathering for religious education teachers, Catholic school educators, parish staff and others, is scheduled for Friday, Oct. 27, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Rice Lake.
This year’s theme is “Here I Am, Lord,” with a focus on vocations.
The keynote speaker is Fr. Gregory Ihm, Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Madison.
Mass with Bishop James P. Powers is scheduled for 9 a.m. All priests are invited to concelebrate.
Questions should be directed to Kathy Drinkwine, 715-394-0216, or by email, .