Fr. David Neuschwander, far left, and Fr. Adam Laski, far right, visited Saint Francis de Sales Seminary in mid-March to spend time with Diocese of Superior seminarians Dan Tracy, second from left, and Isaiah Schick, second from right. Both men are in their second year of the four-year theological studies and formation program. (Photo: Called North Facebook page)
On April 1, the Diocese of Superior’s Office of Vocations Facebook page, Called North, shared a post assuring it was not an April Fools’ Day joke. “We are thrilled to announce that earlier this month you all surpassed 1,200 rosaries prayed for vocations in 2021,” it stated. “You reached our annual goal in less than 90 days!” As of that date, more than 1,400 rosaries for vocations had been offered. The invitation remains open, and anyone wanting to pray for vocations is asked to comment on their pinned post from Jan. 1 on the Called North Facebook page.