Fr. Bob Koszarek was honored by Fr. Raja Burusu, left, and Fr. Ron Serrao, right, at his golden jubilee celebration on Aug. 18. He is now retired. (Submitted photo)

St. Peter the Fisherman in Eagle River hosted the 50th anniversary celebration of the ordination of Fr. Robert Koszarek on Aug. 18. Fr. Ron Serrao, pastor of the parish, said, “Fr. Bob was pastor here for over 20 years; we are happy to have him return for this special jubilee celebration.”

Fr. Bob presided at the service, which was concelebrated with 18 priests. This celebration not only marks the 50 years that Fr. Koszarek has dedicated to his vocation but is a tribute to all the priests in the diocese who dedicate their lives to Jesus and the Catholic Church and all the parishioners who depend on them for spiritual direction and sacraments, said parishioner Mark Gostisha.

After the Mass, Fr. Serrao and Fr. Raja Burusu presented Fr Koszarek with gifts of a hat, a garland and a shawl. This is a gift of cultural importance in India; the items signify royalty in India and were worn by kings in ancient times. It is way of honoring a special guest.