Bonnie Thom is the new director for the Respect Life office. (Catholic Herald photo by Janelle Roe)
Jenny Snarski
Catholic Herald Staff
“Part of our responsibility as Catholics is to support those agencies in our community that hold the same values as the Catholic Church,” said Diocese of Superior Respect Life Office Director Bonita Thom.
She affirmed that pregnancy care centers share the Catholic Church’s values. Thom sees these organizations as collaborators in building a culture of life in the broader community beyond the doors of churches.
“The Catholic Church and the pregnancy care centers both value the life of children and family, promote Natural Family Planning, work to prevent abortions and encourage healing for those suffering from the trauma of abortion,” she said.
Thom noted the diocese encourages parishes to support their local pregnancy care centers.
“On the diocesan level, we provide a grant opportunity each year, pass along any information which may be helpful, and promote ways in which we can further support the pregnancy care centers,” Thom said.
Two current projects are the Diaper Drive commemorating the number of lives lost to abortion annually in the Midwest, and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ program Walking with Moms in Need.
In addition, the Knights of Columbus throughout the Diocese of Superior work diligently to support a culture of life.
Thom added, “One way they do this is by helping fund ultrasound machines for the pregnancy care centers. We assist the Knights of Columbus by helping make the connections, and assisting with the evaluation process to ensure the centers are in agreement with Catholic Church teachings in the areas of the dignity of each individual beginning at conception, Natural Family Planning, harm caused by abortion and efforts in the healing process from such trauma.”
Catholics are encouraged to support these centers in the Diocese of Superior that are recognized by the Respect Life Office.
Lake Superior Life Care Center
1408 Tower Ave., Superior, WI 54880; 715-394-4102;
Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center of NW WI
1108 Port Arthur Rd., Ladysmith, WI 54848; 715-532-7600;
Abiding Care Pregnancy Resource Center
220 N. Main St./P.O. Box 445, Medford, WI 54451; 715-748-1235 (call); 715-575-9566 (text)
Pregnancy Help Center of Rice Lake
234 N. Main St./P.O. Box 334; Rice Lake, WI 54868; 715-736-4357 (call); 715-651-6984 (text)
Options for Women
214 N. Main St., River Falls, WI 54022; 715-425-8539;
Options for Women Tri-County
215 ½ Cascade St./P.O. Box 163, Osceola, WI 54020; 715-755-2229;
New Dawn Pregnancy Resource Center
8778 Earls Court/P.O. Box 1845, Woodruff, WI 54568; 715-358-6700;
Chequamegon Pregnancy Center
522 Chapple Ave./P.O. Box 13, Ashland, WI 54806; 715-209-8575 or 715-682-1125;
Northwoods New Life Resource Center
10045 N. State Rd. 27, Suite 300, Hayward, WI 54843; 715-634-2681