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Peace in politics, in the world starts in people’s hearts, pope says

Peace in politics, in the world starts in people’s hearts, pope says

Peace in politics, in the world starts in people’s hearts, pope says

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Vatican norms for Jubilee indulgence include pilgrimage, penance, service

By |May 13, 2024|

Pilgrims passing through the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica during the Holy Year 2025, going to confession, receiving Communion and praying for the intentions of the pope can receive an indulgence, but so can inmates in prison and those who work to defend human life or assist migrants and refugees.

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St. George and the generative chaos of children

By |May 10, 2024|

On April 27, our family (belatedly) celebrated St. George’s Day. My husband (English) launches the same lecture series every spring when the patron saint of Ireland garners worldwide attention (it may have something to do with the green beer), while the feast of England’s dragon-killing patron goes largely unnoticed in this country. Thus, we must compensate.

Christ’s resurrection surpasses his passion

By |April 12, 2024|

It can seem like the transition from Lent to Easter is more relief than rejoicing. After sticking with, or starting over and over, our Lenten asceticism, we shift to singing “alleluias” without deeper awareness. Glad the 40 days of sacrifice is over, I think we often forget that the church calls us to 50 days of Easter celebration.

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