On Sunday, Oct. 31, the Holy Assumption Folk Choir celebrated their completion of 50 years in September by playing country/bluegrass music at their annual “Country/Bluegrass” Mass.
In September 1971, Ann Stock spoke to the congregation of her plan to start a folk choir with her husband, Bill. Barb Hoag, a 17-year-old junior in high school, decided to go to the initial practice. Now 50 years later, she is still playing her guitar at Sunday Mass.
Nora Korkolo, a current 40-year member who loves singing harmonies, was encouraged by her neighbors to go to Holy Assumption. They told her she would like the choir. After singing from the pew, Stock asked her to join. Korkolo is now the choir director after replacing Stock in 1985.
Marilyn Stralka was also singing from the pews when a choir member encouraged her to join. She has added harmony parts after singing melody for 30 years.
Karen Barschdorf has been playing the violin for 20 years after a choir member asked her to join.
Mickey Brand loves singing and wanted to increase his participation at church. He joined the choir 10 years ago.
After being asked by a choir member, Peter Krause joined in 2018. He plays the acoustic and bass guitar.
After being asked by a choir member on Nov. 14, Albert Sims will join the group in December.
Close to 30 members have come and gone in the past 50 years. All of the current members have similar comments as to why they continue. Some of those reasons are “singing hymns is praying to God,” “the group is a family within the church family,” “the best Sunday service that I can give by sharing my talents,” and “this is what I am supposed to do in my life at this time.” Everyone agrees the folk choir has made such a difference in their lives. The Holy Assumption Folk Choir sings at 9 a.m. every other Sunday. Practice begins at 8 a.m. that morning.
New members are always welcome.