A masked group gathers in a simple beribboned wigwam to celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi. (Submitted photo)
Although parishioners of St. Francis Solanus, Reserve, could not celebrate their traditional Feast of Corpus Christi feast this year, they still found ways to mark the occasion.
“We could not have our traditional Corpus Christi Procession to three decorated wigwam altars for benedictions and festive prayers, plus our traditional feast in the parish hall for all after the church ceremonies,” said Sr. Felissa Zander, director of St. Francis Solanus School. “However, we were very grateful that we could have holy Mass, keeping social distancing and all wearing masks.”
After Mass, everyone processed to simple wigwams around the church grounds and through the wooded cemetery, singing and praying in masks.
“By the time we finished, we were wishing for our traditional feast dinner in our parish hall, but we just had to cheerfully do without this year,” said Sr. Felissa. “We’ll always remember this was Corpus Christi during the coronavirus pandemic.”