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Matthew Kelly to speak in Minneapolis
On Saturday, Sept. 29, from 7–10 p.m., Matthew Kelly will headline a Passion and Purpose event at the Minneapolis Convention Center Auditorium. The event focuses on new habits to re-energize every area of life and inspires participants to live with passion and purpose. The event features live music from singer-songwriter Eliot Morris and includes a free bag of Dynamic Catholic resources for attendees. Tickets are $39, available at dynamiccatholic.com.
Midwest Homeschool Kickoff Mass
Homeschooling families are invited to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse on Aug. 25 for Mass and a picnic. Confessions will be offered at 10:30 a.m. with Mass at 11 a.m. followed by a picnic lunch and games. The afternoon will conclude with a Holy Hour at 3:30 p.m. There is no cost and registration is not required. Contact Steve Doll with questions at 608-782-5440, ext. 240, or .
Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Good Help
A pilgrimage to Our Lady of Good Help Shrine, Champion, is Oct. 8-9, with Deacon Clarence Campbell as spiritual leader. The group will leave from Ashland to visit the only Church-approved apparition site in the country. Cost is $125 per person, double occupancy. Sign up with Jet Travel in Ashland at 715-682-9591 by Aug. 15.
Franciscan sisters with ties to diocese celebrate jubilees
Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration Sr. Margaret Ann (Mary Peter) Mason, of Ashland, entered St. Rose Convent in La Crosse. After professing vows in 1948, Sr. Margaret Ann ministered as an elementary school teacher throughout Wisconsin as well as Blackfoot, Idaho, and Milford, Iowa. She started out teaching in the primary grades and moved to middle and junior high, serving also as principal for seven years at Holy Family, Ashland, and Sacred Heart, Eau Claire. She earned a bachelor’s degree in home economics and English from Viterbo College, La Crosse, and later studied at Marquette University, Milwaukee. In 1998, Sr. Margaret Ann officially retired from teaching but continued to volunteer at Our Lady of the Lake Church and school, Ashland. In 2010, she retired to Villa St. Joseph, La Crosse, where she continues to volunteer. A jubilee celebration was held May 9.
Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration Sr. Margaret (Mary Joel) Schmolke entered St. Rose Convent, La Crosse, from Buckman, Minnesota, and received a bachelor’s degree in education from Viterbo College. She began her ministry in primary education, teaching from 1949-53 in Greenwood, and then taught for the next 23 years in schools in Wisconsin and Iowa. Sr. Margaret then served as a homemaker at Marywood Franciscan Spirituality Center, Arbor Vitae, from 1976 to 1981. She moved to Hurley to minister as a parish visitor, tutor and religious education instructor at St. Mary’s Parish until 2002. For the next four years, Sr. Margaret served as a parish volunteer and tutor for Immaculate Conception Parish, Eau Claire. In 2006, Sr. Margaret moved to St. Rose Convent, La Crosse, where she ministers in prayer and hospitality. A jubilee celebration was held April 20.