Winners of Hudson’s St. Patrick Parish St. Mother Teresa bookmark artwork contest are (from left) Genevieve Lynch (11 and younger), Cecelia Frost (12-17) and Kierra Mailette (18 and older). Artists were given the theme of “Peace begins with a smile,” a quote from the saint. (Submitted photos)
During the month of November, St. Patrick Parish in Hudson held a St. Mother of Teresa of Calcutta bookmark art contest. The contest was for all ages to create an original piece of art of Mother Teresa after reflecting on the theme, based on a quote of hers, “Peace begins with a smile.”
With so many wonderful entries, the contest judges had a difficult time. The winning artwork was used on a special Christmas bookmark gift for the entire parish.
Kierra Mailette was the winner for the 18 and older age group. For 12-17-year-olds, Cecelia Frost was the chosen artist, and Genevieve Lynch’s artwork was selected from the 11 and younger group.
Pastor Fr. John Gerritts planned to share a special Christmas season homily series which he was calling “Breakfast with a Saint,” and would focus on the life of that particular saint.
While the contest and winning artwork was announced during the Advent season, parishioners did not know until Christmas Masses that, along with the gifted bookmarks, families were given a copy of “Do Something Beautiful for God.” The book contains daily quotes with teachings from St. Mother Teresa.