Mass, fundraiser for Ukrainian refugees
A Total of $2,036 was collected following the Mass for Peace and the People of Ukraine, and presentation by parish cluster member Shane Wyzlic
A Total of $2,036 was collected following the Mass for Peace and the People of Ukraine, and presentation by parish cluster member Shane Wyzlic
St. Mary’s, Minong, now has a sharing table outside the church doors each Sunday with fresh garden produce free for the taking.
Drivers share philosophy, faith, fellowship
A life vest, sunglasses and ball cap are not normal attire for a chancery employee, unless you’re Dan Blank, director of Administrative Services, and you’re a paddler participating in the Superior Dragon Boat Festival.
At the end of the day, all of us, believers and non-believers, pious and impious, share one common humanity, and we all end up on the same road. This has many implications.
St. Therese of Lisieux, Phillips, hosted a daylong Community Family Bazaar Saturday, Aug. 13.
Parishioners of St. Peter Church, Dauby, and fellow members of the Ashland Catholic cluster gathered for a celebration marking the 50th anniversary of the church’s Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine on Sunday, Aug. 21.
The Northern Lakes Catholic Communities of St. Albert in Land O’Lakes, St. Mary in Phelps, St. Theresa in Three Lakes, St. Kunegunda in Sugar Camp and St. Peter in Eagle River had their third annual Golfing “Fore!” Our Youth.
It’s not often that the ushers at a weekend Mass really stand out; their stalwart ministry of silent service often goes unnoticed. That is, unless one of those ushers is a few feet shorter than the others.
After nine months of planning, Superior Diocesan Council of Catholic Women president Jane Schiszek arrived at Heartwood Resort in Trego Monday, June 27, to begin setting up for the organization’s 72nd annual convention.