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Pope preaches patience, even amid war, during Holy Week audience

Pope preaches patience, even amid war, during Holy Week audience

Pope preaches patience, even amid war, during Holy Week audience

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Ashland parish’s service connects with community

By |April 12, 2024|

Since 1995, the nonprofit Project Linus has delivered more than 9 million blankets to American children suffering from illness, trauma or other needs. With their tagline “providing security through blankets,” blanketeers, or volunteers who handmake these blankets, are active in all 50 states.

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Christ’s resurrection surpasses his passion

By |April 12, 2024|

It can seem like the transition from Lent to Easter is more relief than rejoicing. After sticking with, or starting over and over, our Lenten asceticism, we shift to singing “alleluias” without deeper awareness. Glad the 40 days of sacrifice is over, I think we often forget that the church calls us to 50 days of Easter celebration.

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